Fil d'Ariane
09h 00
Practical Issues in Bayesian Modelling
Professor Emmanuel Kemel will lead the upcoming AIRESS workshop on Practical Issues in Bayesian Modelling on Thursday, December 19th...
09h 00
Reconceptualizing African States (RAS) Project
Professor Khalid Chegraoui, in collaboration with the Africa Institute for Research in Economics and Social Sciences, will host a workshop on the ...
12h 30
Incentive-Based Policies to Regulate Systemic Risk
As part of the AIRESS Research Seminar, Professor Abderrahim Taamouti will present his paper on incentive-based policies for regulating systemic risk on ...
12h 30
Open-ended Technological Evolution: A Framework
In the upcoming AIRESS Research Seminar, Professor Mathieu Charbonneau will introduce a framework ...
12h 30
Is diplomacy still relevant Today?
Professor Mohammed Loulichki will lead the following AIRESS Research Seminar, “Is diplomacy still relevant Today?”, on Thursday, November ...
12h 30
On the price of diversity for multiwinner elections under (weakly) separable scoring rules
As part of the AIRESS Research Seminar, Professor Mostapha Diss will present his study on ...
12h 30
They are not ghosts, but just like us
In this session of the AIRESS Research Seminar, Professor István Tarrósy will discuss his paper on albinism in Tanzanian villages on ...
12h 30
Biases in Bayesian updating: a model and an application
Professor Emmanuel Kemel will lead the upcoming AIRESS Research Seminar about ...
12h 00
Industrial Organization, Growth and Welfare
The Africa Institute for Research in Economics and Social Sciences (AIRESS) will organize a workshop on industrial organization, growth and welfare on Wednesday, October 23rd, ...
12h 30
"If You Can, You Must." Information, Utility, and Loss Aversion
As part of the AIRESS Research Seminar, Lionel Page, Professor in Economics at the University of Queensland, ...