Collaboration Between States and Militias and State Fragmentation: The Cases of Sudan and Sierra Leone
Resource Dynamics, Secession, and State Fragmentation: The Cases of Congo and South Sudan
Introduction to the Special ACPR Issue on State Fragility and Fragmentation in Africa
Pascal & L'économie du monde
The decline of the wage share in value-added: what have we learned from North African firms?
La France et le Maroc : vers une Nouvelle Alliance de raison ?
Leadership as an Emotional Process: An Evolutionarily Informed Perspective
Consumption tax cuts vs stimulus payments
Manufacturing and the real exchange rate: natural resource rents matter when measuring misalignments
Quantile and Distribution Treatment Effects on the Treated with Possibly Non-Continuous Outcomes
Difference-in-differences with as few as two cross-sectional units -- A new perspective to the democracy-growth debate
Confronting recurring violence in the DRC and Mali: The concept of adaptive alignment of peace processes