Policies against poverty in all its forms: the MPI in Morocco

The Africa Institute for Research in Economics and Social Sciences (AIRESS) and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) are delighted to organize the policy panel “Policies against poverty in all its forms: the MPI in Morocco” the 4th of July 2024.

Amidst rising crises, addressing SDG 1 by lifting people out of poverty in all its dimensions remains a priority for the Moroccan government. This policy panel will discuss the planning and recent update of the Moroccan Multidimensional Poverty Index, and its use for policy.

This event is a part of the Summer School on Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis 2024 organized by the OPHI and hosted by the AIRESS. The OPHI Summer School provides a technical introduction to multidimensional poverty measurement using the Alkire-Foster (AF) method, and shares examples of its practical applications.

To attend this policy panel, please fill out the registration form.

About OPHI :
The Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative is an economic research centre within the Oxford Department of International Development of the University of Oxford, aiming to build and advance a more systematic methodological and economic framework for reducing multidimensional poverty, grounded in people’s experiences and values. OPHI works towards this by broadening poverty measurement and by improving data on poverty.