Emmanuel Kemel

Affiliate Professor

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Emmanuel Kemel is an Affiliate Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University.

After graduating in engineering, Emmanuel Kemel specialized in economics and in cognitive sciences. He worked as an expert for the French Ministry of Sustainable Development and defended his PhD in Economics (University Paris1 Panthéon- Sorbonne). Since 2015, he is a CNRS researcher at GREGHEC and an affiliate professor at HEC.

His research focuses on the measurement and analysis of attitudes towards time and uncertainty. He is specialized in the design and econometric analysis of behavioral experiments. The methodological and empirical results of his work apply to management and micro-economics, but also to the evaluation of public policies.

He has published papers in leading journals in behavioral decision making and transport economics. He teaches courses on behavioral economics and decision theory

For the academic year 2022-2023

  • (ECO312) Economie Comportementale 1


Emmanuel Kemel



Mohammed VI Polytechnic University – Rabat Campus
Rocade Rabat-Salé,
Rabat 11103

Phone : +212 (0) 530 431 217
Email : [email protected]