Fil d'Ariane
Clotilde NOUET
Assistant Professor
[email protected] Téléchager le CVClotilde Nouët is an Assistant Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University.
A student at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris from 2007 to 2011, she obtained the “Agrégation” in philosophy in 2009, before starting a thesis on Habermas and the Frankfurt School, at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin. After obtaining her PhD in 2017, she completed two postdoctoral years at the University of Lyon 3, on a project that focused on freedom of expression and its link to democracy. Throughout these years, she has been continuously teaching in different universities (ENS, Sorbonne, University of Poitiers, Sciences Po).
Her areas of expertise are the history of modern and contemporary German philosophy and more broadly contemporary social and political philosophy (theories of democracy, theories of justice, public space and freedom of expression, evolutions of the legal subject).
In the past few years she has published articles on Habermas’ thought, on feminism, and more recently: « Qui sont les sujets de droit ? Rawls, Nussbaum, et le « problème irrésolu» du handicap, in the Canadian journal Philosophiques. She also edited a journal issue for the Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale (PUF) devoted to freedom of expression.
She is a co-editor of the Chronique bibliographique de théorie politique for the Revue française de science politique (Presses de Sciences Po).
For the academic year 2022-2023
- (POL503) Théorie Politique Approfondie 2