Fil d'Ariane
Emmanuel TSYAWO
Assistant Professor
[email protected] Téléchager le CVEmmanuel Selorm Tsyawo is an Assistant Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University.
He received his PhD. in Economics from Temple University in Philadelphia, USA. His dissertation bordered on the estimation of latent network structures from panel data with a focus on the spillover effects of R&D investment on firm outcomes viz. firm innovation and productivity. Thus, his training was primarily in Econometrics and Empirical Industrial Organisation.
Pr. Tsyawo teaches courses in Econometrics, Mathematics for Economists, and Macroeconomics. In addition, he works with students at the FGSES on their undergraduate (PFE) and master’s theses on a wide array of interesting topics. In terms of research at the FGSES, Emmanuel’s interests include Econometrics and Applied Microeconomics
For the academic year 2022-2023
- (ECO203) Econométrie 1
- (ECO207) Macroeconomics 2