Fil d'Ariane
Abdelmohssin El MOKADDEM
Assistant Professor
[email protected] Téléchager le CVAbdelmohssin El Mokaddem is an Assistant Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University.
He is an Engineer and a Doctor in agricultural economics, graduated from the Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II (Rabat).
Pr. El Mokaddem started his professional career, in 2004, as a consultant in an international consulting company in the field of agriculture, rural development, and natural resources management. He has spent more than 6 years participating and/or coordinating several large-scale studies carried out for the benefit of governmental institutions and international funders and development organizations (World Bank, FAO, UNDP, GEF,...) in Morocco and Africa (Senegal and Mauritania). During his last two years within the consulting sector, he held the position of Technical Director in charge of the management and coordination of all the company’s projects and programs.
Pr. El Mokaddem has joined the world of higher education in 2010 as an Engineer and then as an Assistant Professor at the Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II before joining the UM6P in late 2018. From 2019 to late 2020 he held the position of Director of Studies in the Faculty.
A. El Mokaddem’s current research center of interest is the multifaceted linkages between agricultural development, renewable natural resource management, and sustainability. More specifically, his research is about irrigation water economics including its productive use, management, allocation and its interconnections with soils, forests, rangelands, and water related ecosystem services.
For the academic year 2022-2023
- (ECO304) Analyse Bénéfices-Coûts
- (ECO307) Economie des Ressources Naturelles et de l'Environnement
- (ECO505) Méthodes Qualitatives en Sciences Sociales
- (ECO314P) Développement Durable en Afrique