The IES2P research program evaluates the impact of social public policies, especially in the context of social protection systems. With a focus on analyzing the effects of public policies, the research team is renowned for their expertise and extensive quantitative methodologies, offering valuable insights from macroeconomic and microeconomic angles.


The Impact Evaluation of Social Public Policies research program (IES2P) is part of the activities of the Africa Institute for Research in Economics and Social Sciences (AIRESS) of the Faculty of Governance, Economics and Social Sciences (FGSES) of Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P).
Considering that the social protection system is a proven means of fighting poverty and improving the living conditions of the most vulnerable, many countries such as Morocco have chosen to accelerate the reform of the social protection system and make it a national priority.

As early as July 2020, His Majesty King Mohammed VI expressed the following wish: 

"All the projects and initiatives we undertake have a dual and complementary purpose: promoting growth and establishing social and spatial justice. Our priority aspiration is to ensure social protection for all Moroccans. Our determination is that, in the long run, all layers of society will benefit from it. [...] We therefore consider that the time has come to launch, over the next five years, the process of generalizing social protection to the benefit of all Moroccans. [...]"

The context of the COVID-19 pandemic has only reinforced this priority both in Morocco and on the African continent as a whole. This observation was highlighted in the report presenting Morocco new development model submitted in April 2021.

In partnership with the government and other national and international organizations, this expertise serves both the research community (peers and students), the Moroccan society and, on a larger scale, the African continent (decision-makers, firms and the population). The Impact Evaluation of Social Public Policies research program is therefore part of this perspective with the objective not only to produce high-level academic knowledge but also to contribute actively to a broad debate on public policies in collaboration with stakeholders.

The IES2P research program is dedicated to the analysis of the impact of public policies on the population and is focused on social measures, particularly the social protection system. The expertise in public policy impact analysis methods of the team of researchers affiliated with the research program is recognized by peers both in Morocco and internationally. The scientists' expertise lies in the fact that it is familiar with a wide range of quantitative methodological tools that are wide enough to adress public policy issues from both a macroeconomic and microeconomic perspective.

Overall objectives :

  • Developing new academic and scientific knowledge on decision making associated with the social protection system in Morocco while monitoring and evaluating the policies implemented.
  • Training the next generation of students in the FGSES graduate program (Master's degree, Doctorate) and supervising end-of-study projects and theses (Master's degree, Doctorate/ and Post-doctorate).
  • Contributing to the elaboration and the evaluation of national and international public policies (especially in Africa). 
  • Facilitating the understanding of public policies among researchers, decision-makers and the general public.
  • Promoting collaboration between national and international researchers and experts in the field of public policy impact evaluation.
  • Disseminating knowledge at the academic level (scientific publications and conferences) both in Morocco and internationally and informing the public debate.

Research Topics :

  • Methodological innovations
  • Composite indices of well being and development: theory and application 
  • Labor market 
  • Monetary and multidimensional poverty and vulnerability and in equalities
  • Social protection and retirement


  • Sustainable Value Creation of Smallholder Farmers in the Rhamna Region in the context of Covid-19 and Improvement of their Welfare
  • Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on child poverty and vulnerability
  • Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) and Social Protection System




Mohammed VI Polytechnic University – Rabat Campus
Rocade Rabat-Salé,
Rabat 11103

Phone : +212 (0) 530 431 217
Email : [email protected]