The fallacy of 'scientific elections' in the COVID-era: exploring the challenges of managing the 2020-2021 elections in Uganda
Generalization of family allowances and impact on monetary child poverty and vulnerability in the post-Covid period in Morocco
What do CGE models have to say about fiscal reform?
The right to water for internally displaced persons in the Sahel region
Pollution Abatement Strategy and the Dichotomy of “Green” Versus “Non-green” Products: A New Analytical Insight
Joint market participation choices of smallholder farmers and households’ welfare: evidence from Senegal
35ème sommet de l'UA: l'Afrique face à la résurgence des coups d'état
Training for the Industry: Examining the Use of Real-life Consultancy Projects in Development Studies Programmes
غرب أفريقيا: عقوبات انتقالية ضد الانقلاب؟
Inconsistent weighting in weighted voting games
Credit Constraints, Agricultural Productivity and Household Welfare in Burkina Faso: A Gender-Based Perspective
Human Capital Index (HCI) – from uncertainty to robustness of comparisons